A purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller for the transfer of a property in exchange for a specific amount. Once the contract is signed, the buyer is required to pay an earnest money deposit, which is non-refundable if their contingencies are met.

Purchase Agreement Templates By State

Legally Binding Contract

Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a share purchase agreement?

A share purchase agreement is a contract that outline the purchase of shares in a company.

Purchase Agreement Form Example

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An Alabama purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller for the transfer of a property in exchange for a specific amount. Once the contract is signed, the buyer is required to pay an earnest money deposit, which is non-refundable if their contingencies are met.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement




Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Alabama Laws ⚖️

Buyer Beware

The “buyer beware” or “caveat emptor”  is when the buyer makes the purchase “as is” and the seller does not guarantee the property.

Source: § 6-9-142

Any Known Defects of the Property

The seller has to disclose the facts if and when the buyer asks a question. This is called “Known Defects.”

Source: Moore v. Prudential Residential Services Ltd. Partnership, § 6-5-102

Required Disclosures

  1. Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form
  2. Property Disclosure Statement Form (Optional)

Frequently Asked Questions

How binding is a lease agreement in Alabama?

The agreement becomes legally binding once the Landlord and Tenant have signed the form.

How to evict someone without a lease agreement in Alabama?

The Landlord must notify the Tenant in writing to vacate the property after seven days of no rent payments in a rental without a lease (tenancy-at-will).

When does a guest become a Tenant in Alabama?

A guest becomes a Tenant when staying on the rental property for an extended period of time.

What are Tenant rights in Alabama?

The right to rental a dwelling that is habitable, privacy, non-discrimination, and the right of security deposit returns.

Source: Local Tenant Rights, Laws, and Protections: Alabama

Alabama Purchase and Sale Agreement Form Template 

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Alaska purchase agreement is a legal contract between a buyer and seller to transfer property for a specific amount. The buyer must pay a non-refundable earnest money deposit after signing if their contingencies are met.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement




Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do real estate agents make in Alaska?

As of 2020, the average annual wage for real estate agents was $63,720.

How much is real estate in Alaska?

The average home price in Alaska is around $293,000.

How to become a real estate agent in Alaska?

Must be at least 19 years old to apply through the Alaska Real Estate Commission.

Are there real estate taxes in Alaska?


When is the best time to travel to Alaska?

Summer months: June to August.

When to travel to Alaska?

Summer months for warmer weather and longer days but winter months for the winter sports and northern lights experiences.

Do you get paid to live in Alaska?

Yes, through the Alaska Permanent Fund.

Is Alaska a state?


When did Alaska become a state?

January 3, 1959.

When did Alaska become a state in the United States?

Alaska became United States 49th state on January 3rd, 1959.

Alaska Purchase and Sale Agreement Sample

A Connecticut residential sale agreement form is a written contract between a buyer and seller. They negotiate the price and conditions of the transaction.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Connecticut Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement Example

A California residential purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and a seller for the sale of real estate. It includes all terms and contingencies. The buyer usually provides an earnest money deposit at the time of purchase.

State Laws ⚖️

  1. Death on Premises
  2. Notice of “Supplemental” Property Tax Bill
  3. Local Option Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement
  4. Megan’s Law
  5. Water-Conserving Plumbing Fixtures and Carbon Monoxide Detector Notice
  6. Water Heater and Smoke Detector Statement of Compliance
  7. Title Insurance
  8. Military Ordnance
  9. Methamphetamine Contamination
  10. Community Facilities District (CFD)
  11. Industrial Use
  12. Seller Property Questionnaire

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

California Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement Example

A Colorado residential purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and a seller for an agreed-upon sales price. An earnest money deposit is commonly required by the buyer and is held in a trust account until the closing or if the agreement terminates.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement

Download: PDF

Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement


Download: PDF

Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

State Laws ⚖️

Colorado Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement Example

Delaware purchase and sale agreement is used as a contract when buying and selling property.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement

Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Delaware Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement Example

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Arkansas Residential Purchase Agreement Example

Idaho Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement form is a legal contract used when selling residential real estate between a buyer and seller for an agreed amount.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



State Laws ⚖️

  1. Clear Title
  2. Location and Legal Status Considerations

Source: Title 54, Chapter 20

Required Disclosure Forms

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form
  2. Property Disclosure Statement

Idaho Realtors Agreement

  • Realtors Version – PDF

Frequently Asked Questions

Do property defects have to be disclosed?

Yes, any known property defects must be disclosed in Idaho.

Source: Property Condition Disclosure Act

Idaho Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Indiana Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement form is a legal contract used when selling residential real estate between a buyer and seller for an agreed amount listed in the agreement.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



State Law ⚖️

Homeowners Association – Seller must provide all governing documents to the buyer.

Source: § 32-21-5-8.5

Required Disclosure Forms

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form
  2. State Form 46234 (R6 / 6-14)

Indiana Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement: Sample

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