A South Dakota Bill of Sale form for car is a legal document that shows proof of the transfer of ownership from one person to another. It includes details about the vehicle and the transaction, providing both parties involved with a record of the sale.
Notary Public – a public officer who can witness the signatures of the buyer and seller.
South Dakota DMV Online Services
The Motor Vehicle Division maintains your motor vehicle records and provides online services to access them. Renew your vehicle registration, purchase new license plates, opt-in for email renewal notifications, find out estimated renewal cost, report sale of a vehicle and print seller’s permit.

Car Registration Online
Renew vehicle registration online through MySDcars – Web Portal.
Rapid City
Rapid City Department of Revenue – DMV
Rapid City Bill of Sale – PDF Example
Used Cars Sioux Falls
When buying or selling a used car in Sioux Falls, SD, remember the bill of sale form and give copies to all parties in the motor vehicle sale transaction.
- Used Cars for Sale in Sioux Falls – Cars.com
Motor Vehicle Division: Online PDFs
South Dakota’s Motor Vehicle Division provides its bill of sale version online – Bill of Sale PDF
Buyer Title Application – Title PDF
Treasury Office
County Treasurer – Local Offices
Required Documents
- The car’s title, proving you’re the current owner and have the right to sell it Proof of ownership is essential.
- If a loan is involved, you’ll need to show that loan paid off fully.
- A government-issued ID (driver’s license) to confirm your identity.
- Some states require a notarized Bill of Sale, which is a stamp certifying your document is authentic.
- Any reports or warranties on the vehicle.
South Dakota Bill of Sale Example