The Georgia DMV motor vehicle bill of sale document provides comprehensive details regarding the vehicle, encompassing the make, model, year, identification number, and an official declaration of the odometer reading. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Guide to Registering and Titling a Vehicle in the State of Georgia


  1. Briefly explain the importance of registering and titling a newly acquired vehicle in Georgia.
  2. Emphasize the legal requirement of completing the process within 30 days of purchase.

Step 1: Completing the Application

  1. Explain the necessity of downloading and filling out Form MV-1 Title/Tag Application.
  2. Provide information about the option to complete the form by hand or online using the Georgia Drives e-Service.

Step 2: Gathering Additional Documents

List and describe the required documents:

  • Georgia driver’s license or ID card
  • Proof of insurance
  • Original title signed over from the seller to the buyer
  • The Georgia motor vehicle power of attorney form enables a person (“principal”) to grant specific powers to a trusted agent, also known as an “attorney-in-fact.” The principal must choose a trustworthy individual, regardless of the type of control the agent will have.
  • Offer guidance on obtaining these documents if needed.

Step 3: Submitting Documents

  • Explain the submission process, including options for mailing or hand-delivering the documentation to a County Tag Office.
  • Emphasize the requirement for payment of any necessary fees for registration, title application, and taxes.
  • Provide information on acceptable payment methods and any applicable deadlines.

Georgia Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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When selling a vehicle in Indiana, you must use the Indiana Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form 44237) to document the transaction for registration with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Once all parties have duly executed it, the purchaser is legally obligated to obtain the Certificate of Title, a crucial step in the vehicle registration process.

Odometer Disclosure StatementMust include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Indiana Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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The Idaho motor vehicle bill of sale is used when a vehicle’s purchase and sale and legally cements the transfer of ownership from a seller to a buyer in the State of Idaho. When you transfer the title of a vehicle to a new owner, a bill of sale is required. The buyer can then use all the documentation to register the car in their name with the Idaho Transportation Department’s Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

What is an Idaho Bill of Sale?

The Idaho bill of sale document serves as a transaction record and contains information that protects both the buyer and the seller. Below is a detailed guide including the details and requirements of an Idaho Bill of Sale.


Key Elements

  1. Selling Price: This is the agreed-upon amount the buyer pays. The selling price is the value of the transaction and is needed for tax purposes when registering the vehicle.
  2. Serial Number (Vehicle Identification Number—VIN): This VIN code identifies the vehicle and is used for tracking its history. It is required on the bill of sale in Idaho.
  3. Odometer Reading: This indicates the vehicle’s mileage at the time of sale. The odometer reading is used for assessing the vehicle’s condition and for the buyer’s records and state reporting requirements.
  4. Issued Driver: This refers to the individual selling the vehicle including their information, driver’s license or ID number which must be recorded on the bill of sale.
  5. Personal Property: The bill of sale should include the personal property included, such as accessories or spare parts.
  6. Driver’s License or ID: The buyer and seller must provide their driver’s license or ID numbers, to verify identities.

Legal Requirements

  1. Applying for a Title: The buyer must apply for a title to register the vehicle in their name legally after the sale.
  2. Bill of Sale Required: Idaho law requires a bill of sale for all vehicle transactions.
  3. Title Within 30 Days: The buyer must apply for the title within 30 days of the sale. Failure to do so can result in penalties and complications with the vehicle’s registration.
  4. Title Number: This number identifier is assigned to the vehicle’s title and is used to track the title’s status. It is required for many administrative processes.
  5. Local DMV Office: The buyer submits the necessary paperwork to complete the title transfer at the local DMV office. You can check with the county assessor’s office for any requirements and the office hours of operation.

Final Steps

  1. You will want to make sure that all the information in the document is correct and both parties receive copies.
  2. The Release of Liability Form plus a three dollar and fifty cent fee both must be submitted within five days of the transaction and is in the new owners hands (and name).

Where to Register

Register Vehicle: Idaho Transportation Department’s Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

Idaho Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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The North Dakota Auto bill of sale form includes details about the buyer, the seller, and the car, and it acts as evidence of a change in ownership. This document requires notarization.

When you buy a vehicle, you must register it within five days. The registration is valid for one calendar year and can be renewed at any self-service kiosk in the state.

North Dakota Auto Bill of Sale: Preview Template Example

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The Hawaii motor vehicle bill of sale must contain information about the buyer and seller, descriptions of the items sold, prices, and the date of the sale. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Vehicle Registration and Transfer Requirements in Hawaii

Signing Requirements

Both buyer and seller must have their signatures notarized.

Odometer Disclosure Statement

  • Private sellers must disclose the vehicle’s odometer reading at the time of sale.
  • The odometer disclosure is located in the bottom section.

Registering a Vehicle in Hawaii

  • Ownership transfer requirements
  • Registration process and renewal

County-Specific Registration Information

Honolulu County: Department of Customer Service’s Motor Vehicle, Licensing and Permits Division
Hawaii County: Department of Finance’s Vehicle Registration & Licensing Division
Maui County: Department of Finance’s Division of Motor Vehicle & Licensing
Kauai County: Department of Finance’s Motor Vehicle Division

Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney (if applicable)

County-Specific Variations in Required Documents

Mention that the required documents may vary depending on the county and provide a link for more information.

Hawaii Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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A Missouri DMV motor vehicle bill of sale is a legal document used for buying and selling a motor vehicle and the form includes the transaction details and the terms of the sale, such as the purchase price. The buyer should keep a copy if they register the vehicle. Both the buyer and seller need to sign the document.

Registering Vehicle 


Must register within 30 days of the purchase date. You can renew the registration annually or biennially.

Where to Register

You can register your vehicle online, mail, and any Missouri License Office location.

What is a Missouri Bill of Sale for a Car?


MO Auto Bill of Sale Basics

When you buy a car in Missouri, you’ll receive a Bill of Sale, which is a legal form that is used as a receipt for the transaction. This document officially records the transfer of ownership from the seller to you, the new owner.

Why it Matters to Have a Vehicle Bill of Sale Document?

It matters because this form is a legal proof of ownership.

Sale Price and Dates

Clearly state the following:

  • The sale price in both numbers and words (i.e., $5,000 / Five Thousand Dollars)
  • The date of the sale
  • Any conditions of the sale, like “as is” or specific repairs agreed upon

Party Signatures

Finalizing the document, you’ll need the following:

  • Signatures from both the buyer and seller
  • The date of the signatures
  • Get the document notarized for extra protection


Where can I ask the Department of Revenue specific questions?

Ask through the online chat, Dora.

Missouri Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale: Preview Sample

Adobe PDF Blank Form Example

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Texas Auto Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale includes details about the buyer and the seller, a description of the car being sold, and information about the transaction, such as the price. Create Texas auto bill of sale in minutes.

Where to Register Motor Vehicle

To register a vehicle, you can submit the application and required documentation at the buyer’s nearest county tax office. Registration is also available online.

Best Guide to Creating a Bill of Sale in Texas

Creating a bill of sale in Texas is a step involved in many transactions, it provides the buyer and the seller with an official record of the deal. Whether you are selling a car, trailer, firearm, or other personal property, knowing the requirements and using the correct templates can simplify the process. This guide provides information on creating the bill of sale in Texas, including forms, templates, and specific requirements for different types of transactions.

What is a Bill of Sale?

A bill of sale legally records the sale and ownership transfer of an item from one party to another. It includes details about the transaction, including the identities of the buyer and seller, a description of the item, and the terms of the sale. In Texas, a bill of sale is used for a variety of transactions, including vehicles, boats, trailers, firearms, and other personal property.

Types of Bills of Sale in Texas

  1. Vehicle Bill of Sale: This is used for selling cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other motor vehicles. It includes details such as the vehicle identification number (VIN), make, model, and odometer reading.
  2. Trailer Bill of Sale: This is used for transactions involving trailers, including boat trailers and utility trailers. It should include the trailer’s identification number and any registration details.
  3. Firearm Bill of Sale: This is required for the sale of guns, including rifles, shotguns, and handguns. This form includes the serial number of the firearm and both parties’ personal information.
  4. Boat Bill of Sale: This is used for selling boats and includes details such as the hull identification number (HIN), make, model, and year of the boat.
  5. General Bill of Sale: This is used for selling other types of personal property, such as furniture, electronics, livestock, or equipment. This form can be tailored to the specific item being sold.

Creating a Bill of Sale in Texas: Steps (5)

Steps to create a bill of sale in Texas:

  1. Identify the Parties: Include the full names and contact information of both the buyer and the seller.
  2. Describe the Item: Write a description of the item, including any identifying numbers or characteristics.
  3. State the Terms: State the terms of the sale. Include the purchase price, date of sale, and any warranties or “as-is” conditions.
  4. Signatures: Both parties should sign the bill of sale. In some cases, it may need to be notarized to be legally binding.
  5. Template and Form: Use a specific bill of sale template that suits your transaction. For example, use a Texas vehicle bill of sale template for car sales, or a Texas firearm bill of sale form for gun transactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a bill of sale in Texas?

A bill of sale is required for boats and trailers that are sold in the state.

Can I write my own bill of sale?

Yes, just make sure that it includes all the details and signatures. Using a template is useful so you don’t miss any important details and information.

Does a bill of sale need to be notarized in Texas?

Not always, but notarization can protect you legally. Notarization can also provide a record of authentication.

What if I bought a boat without a Title?

The boat will not be able to immediately transfer.

Source: Texas Parks and Wildlife

Where can I get a bill of sale in Texas?

Download the Texas Bill of Sale form from, or get forms from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Texas Auto Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form: Preview Template Example


The Delaware DMV motor vehicle bill of sale form includes information about the parties involved and details about the vehicle such as its make, model, year, color, and current mileage. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

A Complete Guide to the Delaware Bill of Sale for Vehicles

When purchasing a vehicle in Delaware, you must complete vehicle registration within 30 days by following these three steps:

Transfer Title

The seller should fill out the Assignment of Certificate of Title area and both the buyer and seller need to sign the title for the transfer to occur.

Prepare Documents

The buyer should fill out the Purchaser’s Application on the back of the title and gather specific documents.

Submit Documents and Pay Fees

Take the documents from step two to your local DMV and pay the applicable fees to complete the process. It’s recommended that both parties be present.

Delaware Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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An Alabama Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale is used when transferring the ownership of a vehicle (car) from one person/company to another. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

The Registration Process

The good news is, you can renew your registration online, making the process more convenient for you, depending on the county. A county official will confirm the vehicle identification number (VIN) and odometer reading during registration.

Source: § 40-12-262(a)

Visit the Department of Revenue Licensing Office in Person: Bring the Following Documents


Required Forms

– Bill of Sale
Odometer Disclosure Statement (Form MVT 5-5)
– Certificate of Title (New Title Application)
– State driver’s license for identification
– Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney (If the party is a Principal)

Registration Fees and Proof of Insurance Requirements

  • $25,000 bodily injury per person per accident
  • $50,000 coverage for bodily injury per accident.
  • $25,000 coverage for property damage per accident or a combined limit of $75,000 per accident.

Source: Alabama State Minimum Requirements Laws

Alabama Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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The Arkansas DMV bill of sale form serves as a record of the transfer of personal property from one individual to another, specifically in the case of a vehicle such as a car, truck, or motorcycle. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Registering Motor Vehicle in Arkansas

When registering a vehicle in Arkansas, new owners or those recently moved to the state must have their vehicles titled and registered within 30 days of purchase or moving. Registration can be done in person or online. If registering online, title documents will be mailed only after receiving all required documents.

Important Information for Vehicle Registration


Additional Documentation

Personal Property Tax Number (PPAN) assigned from the county assessor
– Lien Contract/Security Agreement
– Current Year County Tax Assessment
– Proof of paid tax receipt

Arkansas Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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