A Hawaii Bill of Sale is a legal document that acknowledges the sale of a property from a seller to a buyer in exchange for consideration. This document records the sale details, including the parties’ information, purchase price, date of sale, and other important information.

Hawaii Registration Documents (Required)

  • Odometer Disclosure Statement
  • Registration / Title Application

Source: Hawaii Department of Highways – Hawaii DMV Online

What to include in a Hawaii bill of sale form?

  • The buyer’s name + address
  • The seller’s name + address
  • The vehicle/car description (make, model, year, + body style)
  • The car’s vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • The sale date
  • Transaction details (purchase: price, trade, and/or gift)
  • The warranty information (sold “as-is”)
  • The Odometer Disclosure
  • The Federal Law, 49 U.S. Code § 32705, requires a bill of sale to include a verifying statement about the vehicle’s mileage. Vehicles greater than ten years old and over 16,000 pounds are exempt.

Hawaii Bill of Sale Preview Sample

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The California Bill of Sale form provides protection to both the buyer and seller in the event of any future legal disputes surrounding the condition or ownership of the item. This form records the transaction in writing.

By Type 

California Registration Documents (Required)

  • Odometer Disclosure Statement

Source: California DMV

What to Include in a California Bill of Sale?

  • The buyer’s name + address
  • The seller’s name + address
  • The vehicle/car description (make, model, year, + body style)
  • The car’s vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • The sale date
  • Transaction details (purchase: price, trade, and/or gift)
  • The warranty information (sold “as-is”)
  • The Odometer Disclosure
  • The Federal Law, 49 U.S. Code § 32705, requires a bill of sale to include a verifying statement about the vehicle’s mileage. Vehicles greater than ten years old and over 16,000 pounds are exempt.

California Bill of Sale Preview Example



A Colorado bill of sale is a formal documentation used in the sale or trade of a vehicle or personal property. It is an essential legal document that serves as evidence of the transaction between the buyer and seller. The bill of sale should contain accurate and complete information about the seller, buyer, and the item being sold.

By Type 

Registration Forms for Motor Vehicle

  • Bill of Sale
  • Odometer Disclosure Statement
  • Certificate of Title (VIN inspection if in different State)
  • Driver’s License
  • Emissions Inspection

Registration Fees and Proof of Insurance

Fees are calculated by the vehicle weight and type of vehicle.

Required minimums:

  • $25,000 bodily injury/death (1 party)
  • $50,000 bodily injury/death (All)
  • $15,000 property damage

Source: Colorado DMV

What to Include in a Colorado Bill of Sale?

  • The buyer’s name + address
  • The seller’s name + address
  • The vehicle/car description (make, model, year, + body style)
  • The car’s vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • The sale date
  • Transaction details (purchase: price, trade, and/or gift)
  • The warranty information (sold “as-is”)
  • The Odometer Disclosure
  • The Federal Law, 49 U.S. Code § 32705, requires a bill of sale to include a verifying statement about the vehicle’s mileage. Vehicles greater than ten years old and over 16,000 pounds are exempt.

Sample Colorado Bill of Sale PDF

A New York car motor vehicle bill of sale is a form that legally confirms the sale and acquisition of a motor vehicle in the State of New York. Notarization is required, and both the buyer and seller must sign it. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

New York Car Sales Tax

Car Sales Tax = 4-4.75%

Source: Sales Tax Calculator 


  1. Is a bill of sale required in New York? When an individual buys or sells a vehicle privately in New York, it is necessary to complete a bill of sale as part of the official transfer of ownership.
  2. Where can I find cars for sale locally in New York? Craigslist.com

PDF Template Example

Form Sample

The North Carolina motor vehicle bill of sale contains vital details about the seller, the buyer, the vehicle, and the transfer of ownership. This form may be essential for vehicle registration and usually requires notarization. Both the buyer and seller must sign the document. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

North Carolina Auto Bill of Sale: Preview PDF Example


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An Illinois motor vehicle bill of sale documents the private sale of a vehicle, demonstrating the change of ownership, sale particulars, and the vehicle’s condition at the time of the transaction. This document is necessary for transferring the title and registering the vehicle with the Secretary of State’s Vehicle Services Division.

Odometer Disclosure Statement: Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Vehicle Registration and Renewal Process in Illinois

  • It’s your responsibility to register your vehicle with the state within 20 days of acquiring it through purchase, gift, or inheritance
  • Responsibility for completing all paperwork if purchasing a vehicle privately
  • Annual renewal of plates through the online Vehicle Services page

Methods of Registration

  1. In-person registration at the nearest Secretary of State (SOS) Office
  2. Registration by mail

Illinois Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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This Iowa Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale details the agreed-upon price and condition of the vehicle. Iowa often requires it when transferring a vehicle’s title from the previous owner to the new purchaser. The new owner can use this documentation to officially register the car under their name. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Where to Register Vehicle

Iowa Treasurers Office

Iowa Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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The Idaho motor vehicle bill of sale is used when a vehicle’s purchase and sale and legally cements the transfer of ownership from a seller to a buyer in the State of Idaho. When you transfer the title of a vehicle to a new owner, a bill of sale is required. The buyer can then use all the documentation to register the car in their name with the Idaho Transportation Department’s Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

What is an Idaho Bill of Sale?

The Idaho bill of sale document serves as a transaction record and contains information that protects both the buyer and the seller. Below is a detailed guide including the details and requirements of an Idaho Bill of Sale.


Key Elements

  1. Selling Price: This is the agreed-upon amount the buyer pays. The selling price is the value of the transaction and is needed for tax purposes when registering the vehicle.
  2. Serial Number (Vehicle Identification Number—VIN): This VIN code identifies the vehicle and is used for tracking its history. It is required on the bill of sale in Idaho.
  3. Odometer Reading: This indicates the vehicle’s mileage at the time of sale. The odometer reading is used for assessing the vehicle’s condition and for the buyer’s records and state reporting requirements.
  4. Issued Driver: This refers to the individual selling the vehicle including their information, driver’s license or ID number which must be recorded on the bill of sale.
  5. Personal Property: The bill of sale should include the personal property included, such as accessories or spare parts.
  6. Driver’s License or ID: The buyer and seller must provide their driver’s license or ID numbers, to verify identities.

Legal Requirements

  1. Applying for a Title: The buyer must apply for a title to register the vehicle in their name legally after the sale.
  2. Bill of Sale Required: Idaho law requires a bill of sale for all vehicle transactions.
  3. Title Within 30 Days: The buyer must apply for the title within 30 days of the sale. Failure to do so can result in penalties and complications with the vehicle’s registration.
  4. Title Number: This number identifier is assigned to the vehicle’s title and is used to track the title’s status. It is required for many administrative processes.
  5. Local DMV Office: The buyer submits the necessary paperwork to complete the title transfer at the local DMV office. You can check with the county assessor’s office for any requirements and the office hours of operation.

Final Steps

  1. You will want to make sure that all the information in the document is correct and both parties receive copies.
  2. The Release of Liability Form plus a three dollar and fifty cent fee both must be submitted within five days of the transaction and is in the new owners hands (and name).

Where to Register

Register Vehicle: Idaho Transportation Department’s Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

Idaho Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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The Georgia DMV motor vehicle bill of sale document provides comprehensive details regarding the vehicle, encompassing the make, model, year, identification number, and an official declaration of the odometer reading. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Guide to Registering and Titling a Vehicle in the State of Georgia


  1. Briefly explain the importance of registering and titling a newly acquired vehicle in Georgia.
  2. Emphasize the legal requirement of completing the process within 30 days of purchase.

Step 1: Completing the Application

  1. Explain the necessity of downloading and filling out Form MV-1 Title/Tag Application.
  2. Provide information about the option to complete the form by hand or online using the Georgia Drives e-Service.

Step 2: Gathering Additional Documents

List and describe the required documents:

  • Georgia driver’s license or ID card
  • Proof of insurance
  • Original title signed over from the seller to the buyer
  • The Georgia motor vehicle power of attorney form enables a person (“principal”) to grant specific powers to a trusted agent, also known as an “attorney-in-fact.” The principal must choose a trustworthy individual, regardless of the type of control the agent will have.
  • Offer guidance on obtaining these documents if needed.

Step 3: Submitting Documents

  • Explain the submission process, including options for mailing or hand-delivering the documentation to a County Tag Office.
  • Emphasize the requirement for payment of any necessary fees for registration, title application, and taxes.
  • Provide information on acceptable payment methods and any applicable deadlines.

Georgia Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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When selling a vehicle in Indiana, you must use the Indiana Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form 44237) to document the transaction for registration with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Once all parties have duly executed it, the purchaser is legally obligated to obtain the Certificate of Title, a crucial step in the vehicle registration process.

Odometer Disclosure StatementMust include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Indiana Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form Sample

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