A Maine rental lease agreement is a written contract between the Landlord and Tenant. The agreement gives the Tenant(s) the right to occupy the property for a period of time in exchange for monthly rent payments.
Options By Type
Standard Residential Lease Agreement |
Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement |
Most Recent US Home Facts
- Population (2023): 334,914,895
- Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
- Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
- Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Required Disclosures in Maine (8)
- Bedbugs Infestation Disclosure
- Electricity to Common Areas
- Energy Efficiency Disclosure
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form
- Radon Disclosure Form
- Rental Housing Rights Disclosure Form
- Security Deposit Location
- Smoking Policy
Paying Rent and Late Fees
Grace Period – Fifteen (15) day grace period.
Notice to Quit – 7-day notice to quit.
Maximum – 4% of the monthly rent amount and must be written in the agreement form.
NSF Fee – Landlords have the right to charge a fee of 12% of the rent amount in the event of a bounced check.
Source: § 6028(1)