Adding an Amendment to the Residential Lease Agreement Texas
Required Disclosure Forms Tenants Must Receive (7)
Landlords in Texas must disclose the following information to Tenants:
- Flood Plain Disclosure – Landlords are required to inform tenants if the property is within a 100-year flood plain. [1] The Lease must include the following words:
The Landlord ☐ is or ☐ is not aware that the dwelling you are renting is located in a 100-year floodplain. If neither box is checked, you should assume the dwelling is in a 100-year floodplain. Even if the dwelling is not in a 100-year floodplain, the dwelling may still be susceptible to flooding. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maintains a flood map on its Internet website that is searchable by address, at no cost, to determine if a dwelling is located in a flood hazard area. Most tenant insurance policies do not cover damages or loss incurred in a flood. You should seek insurance coverage that would cover losses caused by a flood.
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form – For properties built before 1978, landlords must give the tenant a lead-based paint disclosure form.
- Property Ownership and Management Info – Landlords must provide tenants with the name and full address of the property owner and management company.
- Utility Interruption Rights – If landlords have the authority to cut off utilities for nonpayment, they must outline this in the lease agreement and give advance notice to the tenant before any service interruption. [2]
- Right to Terminate Lease Early – The lease agreement must outline situations where a tenant can legally break the lease, such as in cases of domestic violence or military deployment/transfer. [3]
- Parking Rules for Texas Properties – Landlords managing multi-unit properties must provide tenants with written details about parking and towing regulations. [4]
- Tenant’s Rights for Repairs – The lease must inform tenants about their legal rights when making any necessary repairs to the property. [5]
Sample Texas Residential Lease Agreement
Printable Templates: PDF / MS Word