Laws ⚖️

  • Application Fee – No limit on the amount.
  • Security Deposit Amount – Maximum of one (1) month’s rent or $100 (whichever is the greater amount).[1]


  1. RSA 540-A:6

Sample New Hampshire Rental Application Form 



Property Address: _________________________________________________
Unit/Apartment Number (if applicable): ___________________________
Desired Move-In Date: ___________________________
Lease Term: ________________ months/years

Applicant Information

Full Name: ______________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________________
Social Security Number (if applicable): ___________________________
Driver’s License/ID Number: ________________ State: ____________
Phone Number: ___________________________
Email Address: ___________________________
Current Address: _________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: _________________________________________________
How Long at This Address? ___________________________
Landlord/Property Manager: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Reason for Leaving: _________________________________________________
Previous Address: _________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: _________________________________________________
How Long at This Address? ___________________________
Landlord/Property Manager: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Reason for Leaving: _________________________________________________

Employment & Income Information

Current Employer: _________________________________________________
Employer Address: _________________________________________________
Position/Title: ___________________________
Supervisor’s Name: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Length of Employment: ___________________________
Monthly Income (Gross): $___________________________
Previous Employer (if less than 1 year at current job): ____________________________________
Employer Address: _________________________________________________
Position/Title: ___________________________
Supervisor’s Name: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Length of Employment: ___________________________
Monthly Income (Gross): $___________________________

Other Sources of Income

Source: _________________________________________________
Amount: $__________________________
Frequency: ___________________________
Co-Applicants/Occupants (18 years or older)
Full Name: ______________________________ Relationship: ___________
Full Name: ______________________________ Relationship: ___________
Full Name: ______________________________ Relationship: ___________
Total Number of Occupants (including minors): ___________________________
Vehicle Information
Vehicle Make/Model: ___________________________ Year: ___________
License Plate #: ___________________________ State: ___________
Vehicle Make/Model: ___________________________ Year: ___________
License Plate #: ___________________________ State: ___________


Do you have pets? Yes No
If yes, describe (type/breed/weight): ___________________________________________


Personal Reference (non-family): ___________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________
Relationship: ___________________________
Emergency Contact: ___________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________
Relationship: ___________________________

Consent and Certification

I/we certify that the information provided in this application is true and complete to the
best of my/our knowledge. I/we authorize the landlord/manager to verify the information
provided, including credit history, employment, and rental history.

Applicant Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________
Co-Applicant Signature: _________________________________ Date: ___________

The New Hampshire durable statutory power of attorney form allows a person (the “principal”) to appoint another individual or third party (the “agent”) to manage their financial affairs.

Medical Power of Attorney Forms – PDF

What is the Definition of “Power of Attorney”?

Definition by the Uniform Power of Attorney Act:

“A “Power of attorney” is a document that gives an agent the authority to act on behalf of the principal.”

Source: § 102(7)

Power of Attorney Flow Chart 📈



  1. Does New Hampshire have its own version of the POA form? Yes, Statutory Form § 564-E:301.

New Hampshire PDF Power of Attorney Form: Preview Example

PDF Version: Template Sample

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A New Hampshire lease agreement binds both the landlord and tenant to the terms outlined in the rental contract. This includes the rent amount and the responsibilities of each party.

Rental Application – Before authorizing an agreement, a landlord often uses a rental agreement that checks the tenant’s credit report and income to ensure they are suitable renters.

Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

New Hampshire Lease Agreements Must Include the Following


Required Disclosures (3)

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
  2. Repair Notice
  3. Security Deposit Receipt

Source: § 540-A:6(I)(c)

Security Deposit

Maximum Amount – The maximum amount is the higher value number of one-months’ rent or $100.

Returning to Tenant – Landlords must return all deposits within 30 days of the lease end date. An itemized list is required if any deductions are taken out of the security deposit.

Source: § 540-A:6(I)(a)

Landlord Access

General Access – Landlords must give Tenants reasonable notice prior to entering rental property.

Emergency Access – Landlords can access the rental units in an emergency.

Source: § 540-A:3(V)

Paying Rent

Grace Period – No grace periods in the state of New Hampshire.

Maximum Late Fee – Landlords can charge any amount for late rent as there are no laws governing late fees in New Hampshire.

NSF Fees – No laws mandating NSF fees in New Hampshire.

Source: § 540:13-(I)

New Hampshire Lease Agreement Form Example

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A New Hampshire advanced health care directive/medical power of attorney form grants an Agent to act on behalf of the Principal to make future medical decisions if they cannot do so themselves.


Form Options

Durable Power of Attorney Forms – PDF

NH Advance Healthcare Directive Form: Preview Sample

Next →

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement
Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement

New Hampshire Standard Commercial Lease Agreement Sample

By Type (6)

What the form covers?

This New Hampshire rental Lease Agreement includes New Hampshire landlord-tenant laws:

New Hampshire Residential Landlord-Tenant Laws

Summary: Landlords must sure that the rental property is safe and habitable in compliance with health and safety codes. [1]

Security Deposit Law


  • 30 Days – Landlords must return the deposit to tenants within 30 days of lease termination.[2]
  • Itemized List – Deductions must be itemized and shared with the tenant.
  • Maximum – The security deposit cannot exceed one (1) months’ rent or $100 (pick higher value).

Lease Termination

Summary: Both landlords and tenants can terminate a lease under certain conditions:

  • Landlord’s Ability to Terminate
    • 7-day notice for nonpayment of rent.
    • 30-day notice for other violations.
  • Tenant’s Ability to Terminate
    • Tenants may terminate due to habitability issues after notifying the landlord.
    • 30-day notice required for month-to-month leases.[3]

Landlord’s Access to Property

Summary: Landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering a rental property unless it’s an emergency.[4]

Required Disclosure Forms (3)

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form – Lanldords must provide brochure if property was built prior to 1979.[5]
  2. Move-in Checklist – The landlord must notify the tenant to report any property issues upon moving in. The tenant has five (5) days to provide a list of repairs needed to avoid responsibility at the end of the lease.
  3. Methamphetamine Disclosure – Properties previously used to manufacture methamphetamines must be properly disclosed.

Paying Rent

  1. Grace Period – No grace periods in the state of New Hampshire.
  2. Maximum Late Fee – Landlords can charge any amount for late rent as there are no laws governing late fees in New Hampshire.
  3. NSF Fees – No laws mandating NSF fees in New Hampshire.[6]

Sample New Hampshire Rental Lease Agreement

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement

Download: PDF

Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement

Download: PDF

New Hampshire Purchase and Sale Agreement Sample