Laws ⚖️

  • Application Fee – No limit on the amount.
  • Security Deposit Amount – Maximum of one (1) month’s rent (plus pet fees or additional liability costs).[1]


  1. § 35-9A-201

Sample Alabama Rental Application Form 



Property Address: _________________________________________________
Unit/Apartment Number (if applicable): ___________________________
Desired Move-In Date: ___________________________
Lease Term: ________________ months/years

Applicant Information

Full Name: ______________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________________
Social Security Number (if applicable): ___________________________
Driver’s License/ID Number: ________________ State: ____________
Phone Number: ___________________________
Email Address: ___________________________
Current Address: _________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: _________________________________________________
How Long at This Address? ___________________________
Landlord/Property Manager: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Reason for Leaving: _________________________________________________
Previous Address: _________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: _________________________________________________
How Long at This Address? ___________________________
Landlord/Property Manager: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Reason for Leaving: _________________________________________________

Employment & Income Information

Current Employer: _________________________________________________
Employer Address: _________________________________________________
Position/Title: ___________________________
Supervisor’s Name: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Length of Employment: ___________________________
Monthly Income (Gross): $___________________________
Previous Employer (if less than 1 year at current job): ____________________________________
Employer Address: _________________________________________________
Position/Title: ___________________________
Supervisor’s Name: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Length of Employment: ___________________________
Monthly Income (Gross): $___________________________

Other Sources of Income

Source: _________________________________________________
Amount: $__________________________
Frequency: ___________________________
Co-Applicants/Occupants (18 years or older)
Full Name: ______________________________ Relationship: ___________
Full Name: ______________________________ Relationship: ___________
Full Name: ______________________________ Relationship: ___________
Total Number of Occupants (including minors): ___________________________
Vehicle Information
Vehicle Make/Model: ___________________________ Year: ___________
License Plate #: ___________________________ State: ___________
Vehicle Make/Model: ___________________________ Year: ___________
License Plate #: ___________________________ State: ___________


Do you have pets? Yes No
If yes, describe (type/breed/weight): ___________________________________________


Personal Reference (non-family): ___________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________
Relationship: ___________________________
Emergency Contact: ___________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________
Relationship: ___________________________

Consent and Certification

I/we certify that the information provided in this application is true and complete to the
best of my/our knowledge. I/we authorize the landlord/manager to verify the information
provided, including credit history, employment, and rental history.

Applicant Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________
Co-Applicant Signature: _________________________________ Date: ___________

Right to Sublet

In Alabama, there are no specific laws about tenants subletting. Whether you can sublet depends on what’s in your lease. If subletting is not allowed, you will need to get written permission from your landlord (Landlord Consent Form).

Short-Term Lodgings Tax

Tenant must pay a lodgings tax if the rent term is less than 180 days.

Sample Alabama Sublease Agreement PDF



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Landlord/Tenant Regulations

Alabama residential lease agreements are regulated by the Alabama Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (AURLTA) under Title 35, Chapter 9A of the Alabama Code. [1]

Alabama Residential Lease Requirements

In-writing – Leases that are longer than one (1) year must be in writing. [2]

Required Disclosure Forms Landlord must give to Tenants (3)

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form and EPA Brochure – Landlords must provide a disclosure form and EPA brochure for properties built before 1978.
  2. Landlord Information – The lease must include the landlord’s name and mailing address for tenant notices.
  3. Absence Notification – If tenants need to notify the landlord of absences longer than 14 days, it must be stated in the lease.

Sample Alabama Residential Lease Agreement

What is included in the Alabama Month-to-Month Rental Agreement Form?

The Alabama Month-to-Month Lease Agreement includes the rental terms, property information, rent, due dates, and security deposit. It also includes policies on pets, smoking, parking, furnishings, utilities, and renter insurance. The agreement covers late fees, NSF fees, early move-in, prepayment terms, subletting, inspections, and legal disclosures (e.g., lead paint). Additional sections address tenant responsibilities, maintenance, prohibited activities, and legal notice requirements.

Alabama Lease Termination Laws

Summary (§ 35-9A-441(a)): The following states the minimum termination period in Alabama..

  • Week-to-Week Tenancy – 7-days
  • Month-to-Month – 30 days

Sample Alabama Month-to-Month Rental Agreement PDF

What to Include in an Alabama Lease-to-Own Agreement?

An Alabama lease-to-own (or rent-to-own) agreement lets a tenant rent a property with the option to buy it later. This type of deal includes parts of the regular lease with a purchase contract. It includes rent details, security deposits, late fees, and rules on occupancy, furnishings, utilities, and pets. The agreement covers maintenance, property access, and tenant rights if the landlord sells the property.

Lease Details, Option Fees, and Purchases

  • Lease Details – The agreement should include the lease length, monthly rent, payment dates, late fees, and who is responsible for maintenance and repairs.
  • Purchase Option – This gives the Tenant the choice (but not the obligation) to buy the property. It includes the purchase price, how to exercise the option, and any rent that goes toward the purchase price.
  • Option Fee – Tenants pay a non-refundable option fee to have the option to buy in future.

Landlord-Tenant Laws, Terms, and Required Disclosures

  • Landlord-Tenant Laws – Lease-to-own agreements are under Alabama’s landlord-tenant laws – the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. It covers rental agreements, Tenant rights, and Landlord duties.
  • Required Disclosures – Landlords must follow state and federal disclosure laws.

Attach Addendum

  • An attached lease addendum includes the purchase option, price, financing, inspection period, any fixtures or personal property that come with the sale, rules on disputes, property safety, and lead paint disclosure.

Sample Alabama Rent-to-Own Lease Agreement

An Alabama power of attorney is a legal form that is used by an individual to appoint someone else as their “Agent” to make decisions on their behalf. This form is used by people who want someone to represent them when they are unable to do so themselves.

Medical Power of Attorney Forms – PDF

What is the Definition of “Power of Attorney”?

Definition by the Uniform Power of Attorney Act:

“A “Power of attorney” is a document that gives an agent the authority to act on behalf of the principal.”

Source: Section 102(7)

Power of Attorney Flow Chart 📈


Law Alert ⚖️

Alabama Uniform Power of Attorney

Sample Alabama Power of Attorney

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Next →

An Alabama purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and seller for the transfer of a property in exchange for a specific amount. Once the contract is signed, the buyer is required to pay an earnest money deposit, which is non-refundable if their contingencies are met.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement




Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Alabama Laws ⚖️

Buyer Beware

The “buyer beware” or “caveat emptor”  is when the buyer makes the purchase “as is” and the seller does not guarantee the property.

Source: § 6-9-142

Any Known Defects of the Property

The seller has to disclose the facts if and when the buyer asks a question. This is called “Known Defects.”

Source: Moore v. Prudential Residential Services Ltd. Partnership, § 6-5-102

Required Disclosures

  1. Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form
  2. Property Disclosure Statement Form (Optional)

Frequently Asked Questions

How binding is a lease agreement in Alabama?

The agreement becomes legally binding once the Landlord and Tenant have signed the form.

How to evict someone without a lease agreement in Alabama?

The Landlord must notify the Tenant in writing to vacate the property after seven days of no rent payments in a rental without a lease (tenancy-at-will).

When does a guest become a Tenant in Alabama?

A guest becomes a Tenant when staying on the rental property for an extended period of time.

What are Tenant rights in Alabama?

The right to rental a dwelling that is habitable, privacy, non-discrimination, and the right of security deposit returns.

Source: Local Tenant Rights, Laws, and Protections: Alabama

Alabama Purchase and Sale Agreement Form Template 

Preview Sample

An Alabama residential lease agreement is a written and oral legally binding contract between the Landlord and Tenant(s). Oral agreements are considered tenancy-at-will with no specific end date.

Rental Application – Tenant(s) should complete this form before signing lease agreement. This application will confirm the Tenants credit and employment.

By Type (6)



Residential Lease Agreement – Standard 1-year lease term.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)

Commercial Lease Agreement

Commercial Lease Agreement – Used for retail spaces, office buildings, warehouses, and industrial facilities.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)


Month-to-Month Lease Agreement – Tenancy at will with renewals every 30 days.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)


Rent to Own Lease Agreement – A lease that includes an option for the tenant to purchase the property.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)

Placeholder Image

Roommate Lease Agreement – Shared living arrangements. A binding contract outlining responsibilities and agreements between co-tenants.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)


Sublease Agreement – Used to Sublet unit with landlords approval.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)

Alabama’s PDF Version

Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Law Alert ⚖️

  • Landlord  must reference the Lease ID on all invoices.
  • Tenant(s) must submit a Lease Abstract to Comptroller.
  • Landlords must register through VVS. Landlords must be approved in order to accept rental payments.
  • Landlords only to receive rental payments through STAARS.
  • Must submit the State of Alabama Disclosure Statement PDF.

What to Include in the Agreement Form

Disclosures (2)

  1. Landlord’s Contact Details
  2. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure

Security Deposit

Maximum Amount – Landlords may not charge Tenants a security deposit equal to more than one month’s rent. The security deposit must be placed in an escrow account with a bank or lending institution.

Returning to Tenant – A security deposit must be returned to the Tenant within 60 days after the lease end date.

Source: §35-9A-201

Landlord Access

To enter a property for repairs, maintenance, pest control, or service relating to health and safety, the Landlord must notify Tenants at least two days before entering the renal property.
Source: § 35-9A-303

Breach of Agreement

Landlords are required to give Tenants a notice of seven (7) business days’ to fix any breach of contract. If the Tenant fails to fix the violation within the seven day period, the Landlord can terminate the lease.
Source: §35-9A-421

Repairs and Maintenance

It is the Landlord’s responsibility to ensure that their property is habitable and pay the cost of any repairs in order to maintain a habitable condition of the rental property.
Source: § 35-9A-204

Tenant Improvements

Must include an itemized list, costs, fees and calculations.

Early Termination Penalty

Unamortized Tenant Improvements and Tenant Broker Commissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How binding is a lease agreement in Alabama?

The agreement becomes legally binding once the Landlord and Tenant have signed the form.

How to evict someone without a lease agreement in Alabama?

The Landlord must notify the Tenant in writing to vacate the property after seven days of no rent payments in a rental without a lease (tenancy-at-will).

When does a guest become a Tenant in Alabama?

A guest becomes a Tenant when staying on the rental property for an extended period of time.

What are Tenant rights in Alabama?

The right to rental a dwelling that is habitable, privacy, non-discrimination, and the right of security deposit returns.

What time zone is it in Alabama?

Alabama is mostly in the Central Time Zone (CT) but there are a few locations in eastern Alabama that are in the Eastern Time Zone (ET).

Is Alabama a community property state?

No. Alabama follows the equitable distribution principles when the division of property takes place.

Alabama Residential Lease Agreement Form Example

Next →

The Alabama Bill of Sale form provides protection to both the buyer and seller in the event of any future legal disputes surrounding the condition or ownership of the item. In many states, a completed vehicle bill of sale is mandatory for registering a motor vehicle with the DMV.

By Type 


As-Is Bill of Sale


Boat Bill of Sale


Signing Requirements by State Law

Alabama transfers its state powers to the local authorities, therefore this law is mandated by the local counties.
Law Alert – Alabama requires a notary public witness.

Alabama Registration Documents (Required)


What to include in a Alabama bill of sale form?

  1. The buyer’s name + address
  2. The seller’s name + address
  3. The vehicle/car description (make, model, year, + body style)
  4. The car’s vehicle identification number (VIN)
  5. The sale date
  6. Transaction details (purchase: price, trade, and/or gift)
  7. The warranty information (sold “as-is”)
  8. The Odometer Disclosure
  9. The Federal Law, 49 U.S. Code § 32705, requires a bill of sale to include a verifying statement about the vehicle’s mileage. Vehicles greater than ten years old and over 16,000 pounds are exempt.

Sample Alabama Bill of Sale PDF Template

Next →

The Alabama commercial lease agreement is a form used by a Landlord and Tenant to establish terms and conditions for the business-related use of a property. This commercial lease agreement form is legally binding once both parties sign.

Commercial Lease Application – Before renting a property to any individual or business entity, landlords highly recommend using a lease application to screen applicants.

By Type (6)



Residential Lease Agreement – Standard 1-year lease term.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)


Commercial Lease Agreement – Used for retail spaces, office buildings, warehouses, and industrial facilities.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)


Month-to-Month Lease Agreement – Tenancy at will with renewals every 30 days.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)


Rent to Own Lease Agreement – A lease that includes an option for the tenant to purchase the property.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)

Placeholder Image

Roommate Lease Agreement – Shared living arrangements. A binding contract outlining responsibilities and agreements between co-tenants.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)


Sublease Agreement – Used to Sublet unit with landlords approval.

Download: PDF | Word (.docx)

Alabama Business Entity Search

Search Alabamas business entity database for business license

How to Lease Commercial Rental Property?

How to Process Rental Inquiries?

Property owners will know who is seriously interested in renting the Commercial Rental Property by potential Tenants requesting to see the property in person (property showing).

How to Screen Tenants?

There are five ways Landlords can screen potential Tenants to see if they are a good fit for the Commercial Rental Property for Lease:

  1. Commercial Lease Application
  2. Copy of Drivers License
  3. EIN (business)
  4. Previous two years of business tax returns (IRS Form 8879-S or IRS Form 1120S)
  5. Previous two years of personal income tax returns (IRS Form 1040).

Screening Services:

IndividualsMySmartMove (TansUnion)

BusinessesDun & Bradstreet


  • Commercial Property – Buildings and Land used for profit generation, including office buildings, medical centers, hotels, malls, retail stores, multifamily housing buildings, farmland, warehouses, and garages.
  • Commercial Lease/Tenancy – Nonresidential tenancy for property by for-profit entities.

Sample Alabama Commercial Lease Agreement

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