A sublease agreement is a legal contract between you (the original tenant) and someone else (the subtenant) who wants to rent all or part of your rented space.
By State
- Alabama
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- Washington D.C.
How to Sublet (7) Steps
Subletting a unit requires the following steps:
1. Review Original Lease Agreement
2. Set Monthly Rent Amount ($)
Rental Comps – Base the monthly rent on the current rental amounts for similar rentals in the area (similar to sales comps compare property values).
Find Rental Market Comparables
3. Market the Rental Unit
Market Rental Property Online – Find the right fit by posting on reputable social platforms.
Where to Advertise a Room for Rent (5)
4. Show the Property and Screen Tenants
Potential Tenants will most likely want to see the rental unit prior to signing the lease. To save time, screen the Tenants prior to showing them the property by asking some basic questions such as:
- When is the ideal move-in date?
- How many tenants and/or occupants will be renting?
- What lease term are you looking for (How long do they plan to stay in unit)?
- Are they currently employed (Make sure they can pay the monthly rent amount)?
- Do they have pets (May be required to pay additional pet deposit fee)?
5. Screen the Subtenant
- Rental Application – A form that lets landlords check a potential tenant’s job status and other needed information.
6. Add Any Required Disclosure Attachments
Check local State requirements where the rental unit is located and make sure to give new Tenants any required disclosure forms.
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form and EPA Brochure – For rental units build before 1978.
7. All Parties Sign the Sublet Agreement
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. What does Sublet Mean in a Contract?
Answer (investopedia.com): When a Tenant rents out a part or all of a rental property to another Tenant for a short period, it’s called subleasing or subletting. You need a sublease contract if you want to sublease your room or unit. This contract is a written agreement that acts as a lease within the main lease.
Q. Does Subletting Hurt Your Credit?
Answer (americanexpress.com): It depends on how your property management company reports information, it may appear on your credit report. It’s good to be aware of the conditions in your lease agreement. Leaving your studio without giving advance notice, finding someone else to take over your lease, or making similar arrangements could impact your credit history.