Maine 1-Page Residential Lease Agreement Templates

Last updated August 23rd, 2024

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A Maine residential lease agreement is used for Landlords and Tenants in establishing a rental lease contract for the use of residential rental property. The Tenant has the right to occupy the rental unit in exchange for paying a monthly rent to the Landlord.

Rental Application – Landlords use this form to screen future Tenants before signing the agreement. The process involves the Tenants employment history, income, credit score, and criminal history.

Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Maine Lease Agreement Form Must Include the Following


Required Disclosures (8)

  1. Bedbugs Infestation Disclosure
  2. Electricity to Common Areas
  3. Energy Efficiency Disclosure
  4. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form
  5. Radon Disclosure Form
  6. Rental Housing Rights Disclosure Form
  7. Security Deposit Location
  8. Smoking Policy

Security Deposit 

Maximum Amount – maximum amount of two months’ rent at the onset of a tenancy.

Returning – Landlords must return the funds within a certain time-frame, depending on the type of lease agreement. For a fixed lease, the landlord must return the funds within 30 days and for a month-to-month lease the funds must be returned within a period of 21 days.

Source: § 6032, § 6033

Paying Rent

Late Fee – According to the statutes of Maine, landlords are not permitted to impose a late fee or initiate eviction proceedings until the conclusion of the fifteen-day grace period, as stipulated under § 6028(1).

Notice to Quit – In the event that a tenant fails to make rent payment within the agreed grace period, it would be appropriate for the landlord to issue a formal notice to vacate the premises within a period of seven days, 7-day notice to quit.

Maximum – the maximum penalty for late rent payment is 4% of monthly rent and must be included in the lease agreement.

NSF Fee –  Landlords have the right to charge a fee of 12% of the rent amount in the event of a bounced check.

Source: § 6028(1)

Landlord Entry

The Landlord must provide a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours advance notice prior to entering a tenant’s property for any non-emergency related situation.
Source: § 6025


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