By State
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- New York
- Texas
- Washington D.C.
- West Virginia
The Month-to-Month Lease Agreement Process
1. Collect Tenant Details
Summary: Have the tenant complete a rental application and pay a non-refundable fee to cover the cost of a consumer report (credit check, eviction history).
Suggested services:
- Limited Background Check: $21 via↗
- Detailed Background Check: $39.99 via↗
Employment Verification: Confirm the tenant’s income and job status.
2. Start Negotiations
Summary: Discuss and agree on the negotiated terms.
- Monthly rent
- Security deposit (check state limits)
- Utilities/services
- Prepaid rent
- Additional fees (pet and/or parking fees)
3. Draft the Month-to-Month Lease
Summary: After reaching a verbal agreement, create a written lease using the Month-to-Month Lease Agreement template:
Available formats: PDF, MS Word, ODT
Required Disclosures:
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form [PDF] (if the property was built before 1978).
- EPA Pamphlet: Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home [PDF] (for homes built before 1978).
- Move-in Checklist [PDF] (required in some states when collecting a security deposit)
4. Sign the Lease
- Both landlord and tenant should sign the lease in person or electronically.
- Once signed, the agreement is legally binding.