A California rental lease agreement is used when Landlords lease rental property to Tenants in exchange for rent payments.
Options By Type
Standard Residential Lease Agreement
Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement
How to Fill Out a California Standard Lease Agreement
Step 1
Add the day the agreement was made and the year. Then add both the Landlord and Tenants names and mailing address.
Common Rental Inquiries
How much rent can I afford?
Rent in California depends on location and rental unit. The prices can vary. Check local listings.
Rent-to-Own: How does it work?
Rent-to-own involves two agreements:
- Standard Lease Agreement Form
- Option to Buy Agreement Form
Rent-to-own agreements usually include a non-refundable fee.
Evict a Tenant in California With No Lease
The Landlord must give the Tenant a three (3) day notice to quit before starting the eviction process, with or without a lease.
What is a Lease?
A lease is a legal contract a Landlord/Property Owner uses when renting property to Tenants in exchange for rent payments.
Breaking a Lease in California without a Penalty
There are a few exceptions to breaking a lease in California which include:
- Military Duty
- Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking and/or Elder Abuse Victims
- The Landlord violates Tenants privacy rights
- Landlord/Tenant harassment
Source: Cal. Civ. Code § 1954
Raising Rent in California
How much can rents be raised in California Tenants might want to know before renting a space from a Landlord.
Deducting Remodel Expenses when Renting
Yes, you can deduct remodeling costs when renting.
Rental Property Management Fees
In California, rental property management fees usually range between $300 and $500 (updated Jan. 1st, 2024)
Recommended Services
- California Department of Real Estate – dre.ca.gov
FAQs for California with Updated Answers
- What time zone is California(Qué hora es en California)? Pacific Standard Time (PST) and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) depending on the time of year.
- What is the minimum wage in California? $16.00 per hour (2024)
- How many people live in California? 39.03 million (2022)
- How old to rent a car in California? Must be at least 21 years old.
- Is California still in a drought? California officially ended its drought cycle on October 10th, 2023.
- How many counties in California? 58.
- Are mushrooms legal in California? Mushrooms are legal in parts of California including San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Oakland.
- When did California become a state? September 9th, 1850.
- Is jaywalking legal in California? Yes, as of January 1st, 2023.
- What is the population of California? 39.03 million people (2022)
- When was gay marriage legalized in California? June 28th, 2013.
- Does it snow in California? Yes, in the northern regions.
- How much do teachers make in California? As of March 2024, the average public school teacher in California makes $63,916 per year.
- How to become a notary in California? To become a notary in California, the following are required:
- 18 years of age or older
- Legal California resident
- complete courses which are approved by the Secretary of State
- Pass a written examination prescribed by the Secretary of State
- Background check must be clear
California Standard Lease Agreement Template PDF Preview Example