Required Disclosure Forms 

  • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form and EPA Pamphlet – Landlords must disclose if the property was built before 1978.

Security Deposit Laws

    • Maximum Amount – There no maximum amount that’s mandated in Ohio.
    • Collecting Interest – If the deposit exceeds $50 or one (1) month’s rent (whichever is greater) and the lease is at least six (6)  months, then the Landlord must keep it in a 5% interest-bearing account. [1]
    • Returning to the Tenant – The Landlord must return the deposit within 30 days of the lease end date.[2]

Sample Ohio Standard Residential Lease 

Required Disclosure Forms 

  • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form and EPA Pamphlet – Landlords must disclose if the property was built before 1978.
  • Property Condition Statement (Move-in Checklist) – The Landlord and Tenant must sign this statement about the property’s condition before the Tenant moves in. [1]

Security Deposit Laws

    • Maximum Amount – The Landlord can collect one (1) month’s rent. The Landlord can charge an amount of up to two (2) months’ rent from a Tenant convicted of a felony or with a judgment for breaking a previous lease. [2] [3] [4]
    • Returning to the Tenant Rules – The unused portion of the deposit must be returned to the Tenant within 30 days of the lease end date. If any deductions were taken out then the Landlord must provide an itemized list[5]

Sample North Dakota Residential Lease

Required Disclosure Forms 

  • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form and EPA Pamphlet – Landlords must disclose if the property was built before 1978.
  • Security Deposit Receipt – Landlords must disclose trust account information within 30-days after the lease term start date . [1]

How to get out of a lease in North Carolina?

  • Early Termination Clause – Tenants can break the lease agreement contract by providing a written notice to the Landlord and paying a fee.
  • Military Personnel – A person who serves in the military can end lease early with no penalties. [2]
  • Domestic Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Assault Victims – Any person or child who is a victim can break a lease with no penalties.

Sample North Carolina Residential Lease

Required Disclosure Forms

    1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Required for properties built before 1978.
    2. Landlord/Property Manager Contract Information – Tenants must recieve the name and mailing address to send notices.

Sample New Mexico Residential Lease Agreement

Required Disclosure Forms (5)

    1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Must disclose health hazards and EPA information related to lead-based paint for all properties built before 1978.
    2. Flood Risk Disclosure– If the rental property is located in a flood zone, the Landlord must disclose this information to Tenants.
    3. Flood Insurance Disclosure – Notice must include the following:

      “Flood insurance may be available to renters through FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program to cover your personal property and contents in the event of a flood. A standard renter’s insurance policy does not typically cover flood damage. You are encouraged to examine your policy to determine whether you are covered.”

    4. Truth-In-Renting Act – Written notice of rights and responsibilities during the lease term.
    5. Window Guard Disclosure – The Landlord must provide the Window Guard Disclosure form and it must include the following text in bold font:

      “The owner (landlord) is required by law to provide, install and maintain window guards in the apartment if a child or children 10 years of age or younger is, or will be, living in the apartment or is, or will be, regularly present there for a substantial period of time if the tenant gives the owner (landlord) a written request that the window guards be installed. The owner (landlord) is also required, upon the written request of the tenant, to provide, install and maintain window guards in the hallways to which persons in the tenant’s unit have access without having to go out of the building. If the building is a condominium, cooperative or mutual housing building, the owner (landlord) of the apartment is responsible for installing and maintaining window guards in the apartment and the association is responsible for installing and maintaining window guards in hallway windows. Window guards are only required to be provided in first floor windows where the window sill is more than six feet above grade or there are other hazardous conditions that make installation of window guards necessary to protect the safety of children.“

Sample New Jersey Residential Lease Agreement

Required Disclosure Forms

    1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Required for properties built before 1978.
    2. Move-In Checklist – Landlords must give a copy of the move-in inspection checklist to the Tenant.
    3. Security Deposit Receipt – Must Disclosure the amount and location.

Sample New Hampshire Residential Lease Agreement

Required Disclosure Forms

    1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Required for properties built before 1978.
    2. Move-In Checklist – Landlords must give a copy of the move-in inspection checklist to the Tenant and have them sign.
    3. Fees Separate from Rent Amount – Any extra fees that are non-refundable.
    4. Property Foreclosure Statement – Must disclose to Tenants if the property ends up in foreclosure.
    5. Nuisance and Violations – Tenants must receive this guide and know how to report any issues.

Sample Nevada Residential Lease Agreement

Required Disclosure Forms

    1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Required for properties built before 1978. .[1]
    2. Security Deposit Disclosure Form – Landlords must disclosure deposit details including the amount, any deductions, and the rules or returning the deposit to Tenant.  [2]
    3. Notice of Landlord’s Name and Address – Must be provided for rent payments. [3]
    4. Notice of Right to Demand a Written Notice of Rent – Disclosure on the rules if Tenant fails to pay rent. [4]
    5. Smoking Policy Disclosure Form – Landlords must disclose if the property is part of the “Smoke Free Housing” policy in Nebraska. If smoking is aloud of the property then Tenants must be informed on the rules. [5]
    6. Pet Policy Disclosure – A pet addendum must be attached to the lease agreement stating the rules for pets. [6]
    7. Tenant Utility Responsibilities – The Lease must list the Tenant’s utility responsibilities.
    8. Mold Disclosure – If there is any known mold or prior testing, the Tenant must sign the mold disclose form.
    9. Notice of Abandonment – Landlord/Property Manager must provide contact info.
    10. Notice of the Right to Request a Copy of the Lease – Landlords must give a paper copy of the lease agreement to Tenants (written or oral agreement). [7]

Sample Nebraska Residential Lease Agreement

Required Disclosure Forms

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Required for properties built before 1978. The Tenants must be informed of lead hazards and the impact they have on health.[1]
  2. Security Deposit Receipt – Landlords must give a written receipt with deposit details. The security deposit must be returned within 30-days of the lease end date. If any deductions were taken out then the Landlord needs to provide an itemized list to the Tenant. [2]
  3. Move-In/Move-Out Checklist – Recommended to avoid deposit disputes at the end of the lease. [3]
  4. Rent Payment Location – Landlords must inform Tenants where to pay rent.
  5. Landlord’s Name and Address – Must be provided for rent payments. [4]
  6. Non-Refundable Fees – Any fees that the Tenant will not get back must be disclosed in the lease agreement.
  7. Utility Charges – The Lease must list the Tenant’s utility responsibilities.
  8. Disclosure of Ownership – Landlord/Property Manager must provide contact info.
  9. Right of Entry – A 24-hour written notice is required before rental property entry unless it’s an in emergency.
  10. Mold Disclosure Act – If there is any known mold or prior testing, the Tenant must sign the mold disclose form. [5]

Sample Montana Residential Lease Agreement

Required Disclosure Forms 2025

    • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form & EPA Pamphlet – For all residential properties built prior to 1978 and include the “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” EPA Pamphlet. [1]
    • Notice of Rental Property Registration – If the property is registered with local authority then the Landlord must disclose this with the Tenant. [2]
    • Notice of Rights and Remedies (Security Deposit) – This disclosure must be in the lease agreement or attached as an addendum. [3]
    • Mold Disclosure (optional) – Landlords must disclose to Tenants if there is any presence of mold. [4]
    • Pest Control Disclosure – Must include if the property has been treated with any pest control pesticides and any known material facts[5]
    • Non-Refundable Fees – Must disclosure any of these fees (cleaning/pet fees)
    • Methamphetamine Production – Must disclose if the property was used for methamphetamine production. [6]
    • Property Contact Information (Missouri Landlord-Tenant Act (RSMo. § 441.050)) – The names and mailing address where notices can be sent. [7]
    • Smoking Policy (optional) – Provide Tenant with the rules on smoking and the areas where it is aloud and not aloud. Must follow the Missouri State Clean Indoor Air Law Missouri State Clean Indoor Air Law. [8]

Landlord Tenant Law


  • Must keep the rental property habitable.
  • Fix any wear and tear repairs and make the payments for them.
  • Cannot turn off the water, electricity, or gas.
  • Apportion Charges (Effective 8/28/2025) – Landlords can charge Tenants for water and sewer utility service. (HB 1488)
  • Give Tenants written notice if the Landlord changes to a different one.
  • Cannot discriminate and comply with the Missouri Human Rights Act and the Federal Fair Housing Act.
  • Landlords can refuse / discriminate certain Tenants who use a voucher (federal housing assistance). (House Bill 959)
  • Landlords in Missouri in 2025, can now charge any amount for security deposits and are not limited to two-months rent. (Senate Bill No. 507)


  • Make rent payments on the date agreed to in the residential lease agreement contract.
  • Care for the property and refrain from damaging the property.
  • Dispose of any waste/garbage/recycling.
  • Only can sublet or have additional roommates if the Landlord gives written permission.

Landlord Tenant Law Source:

Sample Missouri Residential Lease Agreement 

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