When a Tenant signs a lease agreement and the payment is a cash payment for rent, the Landlord will give the Tenant a rental receipt.
By Type
How to Fill out a Rent Receipt Template
- Title: Title the rent receipt “Rent Receipt” or “Receipt for Rent Payment.”
- Date: Write the date the rent was paid.
- Tenant’s Name: Enter the Tenant’s name.
- Landlord’s Name: Add the Landlord’s or the company’s name.
- Property Address: Write the property’s address.
- Amount Paid: Show in numbers or words.
- Payment Method: How it was paid (check/cash/credit/other).
- Period Covered: State the month and year of the rent.
- Signature: The landlord should sign to confirm payment.
- Receipt Number (optional): Add a number for tracking if needed.
What to fill in
Date: ______________________________
No.:______________________________ Received from:______________________________
The Sum of ______________________________ Dollars
For Rent at Paid by ☐ Check No. ☐ Cash
For the Period to ☐ Money OrderReceived by: ______________________________
Address: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________
Landlord’s Signature: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________
No.:______________________________ Received from:______________________________
The Sum of ______________________________ Dollars
For Rent at Paid by ☐ Check No. ☐ Cash
For the Period to ☐ Money OrderReceived by: ______________________________
Address: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________
Landlord’s Signature: ______________________________