A Florida residential purchase and sale agreement is a contract between a buyer and a seller for an agreed-upon sales price.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Florida Purchase and Sale Agreement Sample

Illinois purchase and sale agreement is a legal contract used when buying and selling property.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

State Laws ⚖️

  1. Written Disclosure Report (765 ILCS 77/20)
  2. Material Defects (765 ILCS 77/35)

Illinois Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement: Preview Sample


A Kansas Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement form is a contract between a buyer and a seller for an agreed-upon sales price.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Required Disclosure Forms

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form
  2. Property Condition Disclosure Form

Kansas Purchase and Sale Agreement Form Sample

Iowa Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement form is a legal document that is used when selling residential real estate between a buyer and seller for an agreed amount listed. This form becomes legally binding once both parties sign the agreement.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Required Disclosure Forms

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form
  2. Property Condition Disclosure 

Iowa Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Form: Preview Sample


Louisiana Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement form is a legal contract between a buyer and a seller and it is used when purchasing residential real estate.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement


Louisiana Purchase and Sale Agreement Form Sample

The Arizona Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for a buyer’s purchase of a property from a seller.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Most Recent US Home Facts

  • Population (2023): 334,914,895
  • Median Households (2022): 125,736,353
  • Median Household Income (2022): $75,149
  • Owner-occupied Households (2022): 64.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Arizona have state income tax?


Where is Arizona State University (ASU)?

Tempe, Arizona.

Is Arizona state university accredited?


Is Arizona a state?


When did Arizona become a state?

February 14, 1912.

Does Arizona have a state tax?


Is Arizona a community property state?


Is Arizona a red or blue state?

Arizona is a swing state.

Is Arizona a stop and ID state?


Is Arizona an open carry state?


Arizona Purchase and Sale Agreement Sample

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement



Kentucky Purchase and Sale Agreement Form Sample

Maine residential purchase and sale agreement legally binds both the seller and buyer for transferring ownership of residential property for an agreed amount.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement


Seller’s Property Disclosure – State law requires the seller to disclose details about the property’s water supply, insulation, heating, waste disposal, defects, and any hazardous materials.

Source: § 173

Maine Residential Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Sample

The Massachusetts Purchase and Sale Agreement form is used when purchasing and selling residential real estate for an agreed amount. Once both parties sign the agreement, it is a final sale and transfer of ownership is complete.

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement


Law Alert ⚖️

  • Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 183 (malegislature.gov): This law covers the rules for transferring property.
  • Statute of Frauds (MGL Chapter 259, § 1): This law says that real estate contracts must be written down to be legally valid. You can’t make a legal real estate deal just by talking about it.
  • Consumer Protection Laws (Chapter 93A): This law protects people from unfair or deceptive practices in real estate transactions. It prevents things like lying or hiding important information about the property.
  • Disclosures and Inspections (RE01R06: Seller Agency): Massachusetts law requires sellers to provide a Property Disclosure Statement, which tells the buyer about any known issues with the property. The buyer can also get inspections to check the property’s condition before finalizing the sale.
  • Title and Closing Procedures (Title 33, Chapter 1): Before the sale is final, the buyer must make sure the property has a “clean title” (meaning no legal problems or debts attached to it). The deed is then recorded in the local registry of deeds to make the sale official.

Massachusetts Purchase and Sale Agreement Sample

A Michigan Purchase and Sale Agreement is a blank document that outlines the terms for buying or selling property in Michigan. It includes key details like the price, property description, and important conditions (such as inspections or financing).

Form Options By Type

Standard Residential Lease Agreement


Simple (1-Page) Lease Agreement


Michigan Purchase and Sale Agreement Sample