Alaska Durable Power of Attorney Form: Free Template Downloads

Key Points to Know about Alaska Power of Attorney Form

Last updated September 16th, 2024

Key Points to Know about Alaska Power of Attorney Form

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Alaska power of attorney is a legal form that authorizes one person to manage the financial and medical affairs of another individual. To make this document valid in Alaska, it must be signed in the presence of a notary public or two witnesses. Once the form has been signed, the agent can use it to act on behalf of the principal. However, the power of attorney document must be presented each time the agent performs any action on behalf of the principal.

Medical Power of Attorney Forms – PDF

What is the Definition of “Power of Attorney”?

Definition by the Uniform Power of Attorney Act:

“A “Power of attorney” is a document that gives an agent the authority to act on behalf of the principal.”

Source: Section 102(7)

Power of Attorney Flow Chart


Alaska POA PDF Version 

Template Sample


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