Tenants Right to Sublet

Tenants can sublet their rental property without the landlord’s consent unless the lease states otherwise or the property is government-owned. If landlord approval is required, tenants can use a Landlord Consent Form. [1]

Short-Term Rental / Lodgings Tax

  • In 2022, Ordinance 22-7 banned rentals of 30 to 90 days outside resort zones. A judge recently allowed existing operators to continue while the law is reviewed.[2]
  • Statewide, short-term rentals (less than 180 days) are subject to a 10.25% Transient Accommodations Tax.[3]
  • Counties can add their own tax on top of the 4.5% General Excise Tax.[4]
  • Some may require permits that will add to the costs.[5]

Sample Hawaii Sublease Agreement Template

Download: PDF / Word (.docx) / Excel / OpenDocument (.ODT)



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Tenants Right to Sublet

Tenants in Georgia need written permission from their landlord to sublease their unit. If the lease is unclear about the subletting rules, use a Landlord Consent Form to make sure there will not be any issues. [1]

Short-Term Rental / Lodgings Tax

Short-term rentals (STRs) in Georgia are regulated by local governments, as there are no state-level rules. Counties and cities set their own qualifications, taxes, and fees.[2]

Georgia STR Taxes and Fees:

  • 4% state sales tax.[3]
  • $5/night state hotel/motel fee.[4]
  • County sales tax (varies by location).
  • City sales tax (varies by location).
  • Some areas impose additional hotel or tourism taxes.
  • Get a business license  through the city clerk’s office.

Sublease Georgia Tech / GA Tech

Subleases Near Georgia Institute of Technology:

Sample Georgia Sublease Agreement Template



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Tenants Right to Sublet

  • Tenants need their Landlords written consent to sublet unless it is written in the lease agreement. [1]

Short-Term Lodgings Tax Rules

  • Delaware levies an 8% Lodging Tax on rentals with five (5) or more rooms and no cooking facilities.
  • Local areas set their own tax rates and rules for short-term rentals, depending on location. [2]

Can you break a sublease in Delaware?

Yes, with a 60-day notice.

Sample Delaware Sublease Agreement Template



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Sample Connecticut Sublease Agreement Template



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Right to Sublet

Florida law does not regulate subleasing. A written lease may allow it with conditions or prohibit it completely. If a landlord approval is needed, use a Landlord Consent Form.

Short-Term (Lodgings) Tax

  • In Florida, a short-term rental refers to a unit leased more than three (3) times per year for 30 days or fewer. [1]
  • The state has a 6% sales tax, with additional taxes by location. [2]
  • Many counties apply a sales and tourist tax, while some cities also charge a sales tax.
  • Operators must get a license from the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation.[3]

Sample Florida Sublease Agreement Template



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Right to Sublet

Tenants can sublet unless their lease says otherwise. Breaking lease terms could lead to eviction or penalties. [1]

If the lease doesn’t mention subletting, talk to the landlord. If permission is needed, use a Landlord Consent Form.

Short-Term Lodgings Tax

Rentals with lease term of 30 days or less (including subleases) are taxed at the state, county, and city levels if within city limits. The state of Arkansas collects these taxes.  [2]

Taxes on short-term rentals:

  • 6.5% state sales tax [3]
  • 2% state tourism tax [4]
  • County sales tax (varies)
  • City sales tax (varies)
  • Additional local hotel/tourism taxes may apply

Some cities may also require a short-term rental (STR) business license through the city clerk.

Sample Arkansas Sublease Agreement



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Right to Sublet

Arizona law doesn’t set rules for subleasing, therefore lease agreements should include the subletting terms. If the terms are unclear, use a Landlord Consent Form in order to get permission from the Landlord.

Short-Term Lodgings Tax

Short-term rentals (30 days or less) are taxed by the state, county, and city. [1]

Arizona short-term rental taxes:

  • 5.6% state sales (TPT) tax
  • County TPT
  • City TPT and hotel tax (within city limits) [2]

Sample Arizona Sublease Agreement Template



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

Right to Sublet

Tenants cannot sublet or transfer their lease without the landlord’s written consent. [1]

Prospective sub-tenants must submit a signed written offer, including the information below, to the landlord. [2]

  • Name, age, and address
  • Marital status
  • Job details and employer’s contact info
  • List of other occupants
  • Two credit references or financial guarantors
  • Rental history for the past three years

The landlord can reject a sub-tenant only for legal reasons under Title 34, Alaska law. [3]

Short-Term Rental Tax

Alaska has no state sales or lodging tax. Local cities and boroughs set their own short-term rental taxes for stays under 30 or 31 days.

Sample Alaska Sublease Rental Lease Agreement



This Sublease Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on
__________________, by and between:
Tenant: __________________, with a mailing address of
____________________________________, who agrees to sublet to:
Subtenant: __________________, with a mailing address that is the same
as the property address. The Subtenant agrees to pay rent to the Tenant
in exchange for occupying the property.
Occupant(s): ____________________________________. An occupant
is a friend or family member allowed to reside on the property.


Address: ____________________________________
Type: ☐ Apartment House Condo Other: __________________
Bedroom(s): ____ Bathroom(s): ____


Start Date: __________________
End Date: __________________
The Subtenant is permitted to occupy the property on the start date and must
vacate and return possession by midnight on the end date.

4. RENT.

The Subtenant agrees to pay the following:
Monthly Rent: $________
Due Date: ____ day of each month
Payment Instructions: ____________________________________.

5. FURNITURE. (check one)

– Property is Not Furnished.
– Property is Furnished. The property is furnished with the following items:

6. APPLIANCES. (check one)

– Property Has No Appliances.
– Property Has Appliances: (check all that apply)
– Air Conditioner(s)
– Dishwasher
– Microwave
– Refrigerator
– Stove/Oven
– Washing Machine & Dryer (for laundry)
– Other. ____________________________________.

7. SECURITY DEPOSIT. (check one)

– No Security Deposit.
– Security Deposit Required. $________ must be paid by the Subtenant at
the execution of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to the
Subtenant within the return period required under Governing Law. Any damages
or losses caused by the Subtenant may be deducted from the security deposit. If
any deductions are made, an itemized list describing each deduction shall be

8. MOVE-IN INSPECTION. (check one)

– No Move-In Inspection.
– Move-In Inspection Required. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. The inspection describes the property’s condition before move-in and must also be completed after the end of the lease period, which determines any damages caused by the Subtenant.

9. PRE-PAYMENT OF RENT. (check one)

– No Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
– Pre-Payment of Rent is Required.
Pre-Payment Amount: $________
Pre-Payment Period:
Start Date:__________________
End Date:__________________

10. LATE RENT. If the Subtenant pays rent late, there is: (check one)

– No Late Fee.
– Late Fee: (check one)
– Fixed Amount. $________ for each ☐ occurrence ☐ day rent is late.
– Interest.____% per annum.

11. UTILITIES & SERVICES. (check one)

– Tenant Pays None. All utilities and services are paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for Some. Tenant pays for:___________________________.
All other utilities and services shall be paid by the Subtenant.
– Tenant Pays for All. All utilities and services that are currently provided to
the property shall be paid by the Tenant.

12. PARKING. (check one)

– No Parking Provided.
– Parking is Provided.

____ parking space(s) provided with: (check one)
– No Fee.
– Fee (describe). ____________________________________.

13. PETS. (check one)

– No Pets Allowed.
– Pets are Allowed.
Number of Pets: ____
Types: ____________________________________.
Maximum Weight (per pet): ____ Pounds
Deposit (for all pets): $________
refundable non-refundable
14. SMOKING POLICY. (check one)
– Smoking is Not Allowed. Smoking is not allowed on the property.
– Smoking is Allowed: (check one)
– In All Areas.
– Specific Areas:____________________________________
15. LANDLORD’S CONSENT. (check one)
– Tenant Has Consent. The Tenant has consent from the landlord to sublet
the property.
– Tenant Does Not Have Consent. The Tenant does not have consent from
the landlord to sublet the property. However, upon executing this Agreement, the
Tenant agrees to request consent from the landlord. If written consent is not
obtained from the landlord within five (5) days, this Agreement shall terminate
within any money paid to the Tenant to be refunded.

16. NOTICES. If notice is sent by either party, it shall be sent to:

Tenant. (check one)
– The address mentioned in Section 1.
– ____________________________________.

Subtenant. (check one)
– The address of the property.

17. SUBLETTING. (check one)

– No Subletting Allowed. The Subtenant is not allowed to sublet the property
unless written consent is granted by the Tenant.
– Subletting is Allowed. The Subtenant is allowed to sublet the property.

18. LEAD-BASED PAINT. (check one)

– No Lead-Based Paint. The property was constructed after January 1, 1978;
therefore, no lead-based paint or hazard disclosures are required.
– Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. The property was constructed before
January 1, 1978; therefore, the Tenant must provide a lead-based paint or
hazards disclosure and the “Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home”
brochure provided by the EPA.


The Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the Tenant the
property, including all furniture, appliances, and decorations within the property,
in the same condition as they were at the beginning of the lease period, with
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Subtenant is liable to the Tenant for any
damages occurring to the property, either by deducting from the security deposit
or billing separately. All actions conducted by any guests of the Subtenant are
the responsibility and liability of the Subtenant.


There is no other person(s) living on the property other than the Subtenant and the Occupant(s). Guests of the Subtenant are allowed for periods not lasting for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless otherwise approved by the Tenant.


This Agreement must follow and is subject to the original lease agreement between the Tenant and landlord, a copy of which has been attached and is hereby referred to and incorporated as if it were set out here at length (“Master Lease”). The Subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations and responsibilities of the Tenant under the Master Lease for the duration of the Agreement. All disclosures and statements required by the state and listed in theMaster Lease are made part of this Agreement and, when attached, will be considered disclosed to the Subtenant in accordance with state and local laws.


If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant, they agree to negotiate amongst themselves before any litigation, arbitration, or mediation.


This Agreement constitutes the sole agreement between the Tenant and Subtenant with no additions, deletions, or modifications that may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties. Any oral representations made at the time of executing this lease are not legally valid and, therefore, are not binding upon either party.


This Agreement is bound to the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located.




If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions will remain in full force and effect and in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement of all parties on these matters, superseding any previous agreement between them.

Tenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date:___________
Print Name:______________________________
Subtenant Signature:______________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: ______________________________

A sublease agreement is a legal contract between you (the original tenant) and someone else (the subtenant) who wants to rent all or part of your rented space.

By State 

How to Sublet (7) Steps

Subletting a unit requires the following steps:

    1. Review Oginional Lease Agreement
    2. Set Monthly Rent Amount
    3. Market the Rental Unit
    4. Show the Property and Screen Tenants
    5. Screen the Subtenant
    6. Add Attachments
    7. Sign the Sublet Agreement

1. Review Original Lease Agreement

Check if the original lease allows for subletting unit. The Landlord Consent Form proves the Landlord allows the rental property to be submitted.

2. Set Monthly Rent Amount ($)

Rental Comps – Base the monthly rent on the current rental amounts for similar rentals in the area (similar to sales comps compare property values).

Find Rental Market Comparables

3. Market the Rental Unit

Market Rental Property Online – Find the right fit by posting on reputable social platforms.

Where to Advertise a Room for Rent (5)

  1. Craigslist.com
  2. Facebook Marketplace 
  3. SpareRoom
  4. Roomster
  5. StreetEasy (NYC only)

4. Show the Property and Screen Tenants

Potential Tenants will most likely want to see the rental unit prior to signing the lease. To save time, screen the Tenants prior to showing them the property by asking some basic questions such as:

  • When is the ideal move-in date?
  • How many tenants and/or occupants will be renting?
  • What lease term are you looking for (How long do they plan to stay in unit)?
  • Are they currently employed (Make sure they can pay the monthly rent amount)?
  • Do they have pets (May be required to pay additional pet deposit fee)?

5. Screen the Subtenant

  • Rental Application – A form that lets landlords check a potential tenant’s job status and other needed information.

6. Add Any Required Disclosure Attachments


Check local State requirements where the rental unit is located and make sure to give new Tenants any required disclosure forms.


Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form and EPA Brochure – For rental units build before 1978.

7. All Parties Sign the Sublet Agreement

The Sublease Agreement must be signed by all parties involved. For a sublet to be valid, the original landlord usually has to sign the sublease agreement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What does Sublet Mean in a Contract?

Answer (investopedia.com): When a Tenant rents out a part or all of a rental property to another Tenant for a short period, it’s called subleasing or subletting. You need a sublease contract if you want to sublease your room or unit. This contract is a written agreement that acts as a lease within the main lease.

Q. Does Subletting Hurt Your Credit?

Answer (americanexpress.com): It depends on how your property management company reports information, it may appear on your credit report. It’s good to be aware of the conditions in your lease agreement. Leaving your studio without giving advance notice, finding someone else to take over your lease, or making similar arrangements could impact your credit history.

Sample Sublease Agreement Template