The Vermont DMV motor vehicle form includes the details about the seller and buyer, describes the vehicle being sold, and provides transactional information. Both parties must sign the document. Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form.

Requirements by Law ⚖️

State and federal law require Vermonters to disclose the mileage of the vehicle being sold. Rather than having a separate form or space to list the mileage on a title document, Vermont combines the Odometer Disclosure Statement Form with the official Bill of Sale form.


South Carolina DMV motor vehicle bill of sale is a paper record of the transfer of vehicle ownership within the state. This document contains details about the change of ownership, vehicle specifics, and information about the seller and buyer. It is mandatory for transactions involving the vehicle’s pricing during titling. Also, sellers must inform the state Department of Motor Vehicles by completing Form 416.


A Utah vehicle bill of sale, also known as Form TC-843, is an official document that proves that a vehicle has been legally sold in Utah. Other steps, such as signing over the title and registering the vehicle, are also necessary. The bill of sale should contain detailed information about the car, including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Must include the Odometer Disclosure Statement.


A Tennessee auto motor vehicle bill of sale is a form that legally records the sale of a motor vehicle. This form includes details about the seller, the buyer, the car, and the change of ownership. If the sale is between private parties, the bill should be signed after the buyer has taken possession of the car and the seller has received the payment. Both the buyer and seller are required to sign the bill.

Tennessee Motor Vehicle (Car) Bill of Sale Form: Preview Template Example
