Delaware Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney Form

Understanding the Delaware Power of Attorney: Learn how to transfer powers and authority to a trusted agent with this legal form.

Last updated July 17th, 2024

Understanding the Delaware Power of Attorney: Learn how to transfer powers and authority to a trusted agent with this legal form.

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A Delaware power of attorney is a legal form that allows an individual to transfer specific powers and authority to another person. The person transferring their authority, also known as the “principal,” must choose a trusted individual such as their spouse or family member to act as their agent. There is no need to record the power of attorney with any government office once the form is signed. The agent may then begin to sign and act on behalf of the principal as designated in the document.

Medical Power of Attorney Forms – PDF

What is the Definition of “Power of Attorney”?

Definition by the Uniform Power of Attorney Act:

“A “Power of attorney” is a document that gives an agent the authority to act on behalf of the principal.”

Source: Section 102(7)

Power of Attorney Flow Chart



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